
Effectively Engaging Multi-Sector Partnerships

Page history last edited by mrodriguez-semp@hria.org 9 years, 3 months ago

Monday, September 21, 2015 9:00am - 10:30am EST

Presented by the Community Health Training Institute




The most effective community health collaborations and coalitions are built upon a common agenda shared by diverse sectors (e.g., healthcare, planning, housing, transportation, business, and other non-traditional partners). This webinar will present an overview of the various levels of engagement and specific strategies to engage partners at each level.


Audience: Individuals or teams beginning to develop a coalition or partnership, or those who are changing or expanding the focus of their coalition.


Learning Objectives: Participants completing the webinar will be able to:

  1. Identify “who else needs to be at the table.”
  2. Begin a stakeholder analysis.
  3. Discuss specific strategies to reach out to potential partners.
  4. Troubleshoot for engagement dilemmas.



Presenter: Steve Ridini, Vice President, Health Resources in Action. Read bio.



Facilitator: Daisy Ortega, Health Resources in Action


Webinar Recording



S Ridini EngagingMultiSectorPartners 9-21-15.pdf



Coalition Quality Improvement webinar





Embracing Equity P&P Report May 2015.pdf

 Multi-Sector Partnerships and Sustaining Coalition Development

Monitoring and Evaluating Multi-Sector Partnerships

Collective Impact: Building Coalitions That Thrive Through Difference, Commitment, and Complexity




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